Based on study results, African Americans and Asians resort to other treatment options other than drugs to manage their depression (Williams, 2018). Patients from these ethnicities thus need lower doses of antidepressants to achieve the therapeutic effects. For Caucasians, SSRIs are used on standard dosage and frequency. The patient is seventy years old with hypertension; hence, adjusting the dosage to minimize the adverse effects and polypharmacy since she is already on other medications.
The progress of the patient will be evaluated after every four weeks. The possible outcomes expected include that the patient will adhere to the prescribed medications, establish a beneficial sleep-wake cycle, and adapt to dietary changes that would help in sleep quality and drug efficacy. If the patient shows signs of improvement during the clinical visits, the drug dosage will be tapered off slowly until the patient can sleep without medications. If there are no signs of improvement, the dosage will be increased and augmented with psychotherapy.
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